Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Blacks Are The Most Dangerous Cultural Group In America, Why Is This Obvious Truth Ignored, Justified Or Excused?

Six times as many Blacks are convicted of felonies as compared with Whites relative to their respective populations.

Similar proportions of Blacks are suspended or expelled from mixed public schools.

Over a three year period, when I drove a taxi in Chicago, there was an average of 11 cab drivers murdered per year, making it Chicago's most dangerous job. All of the solved murders of cab-drivers turned out to be Black men.

An overwhelming majority of street prostitutes do not "date" black men because they consider it too dangerous. Even Black hookers will not get into a car with a Black man. Many of these prostitutes are strictly controlled by Back pimps who also do not allow their hookers to date Black men because it is too risky. They don't want to loose income when their girls get injured, disfigured or killed.

Why are these truths being suppressed? Why are they not taught in our schools as part of African American studies? Why is the danger of the American Black man rarely a topic of news and commentary in the media? Why is this obvious danger rarely portrayed in TV and movies?

How can solutions be found if we ignore the obvious facts?

Instead of setting high standards for all Americans, today's popular culture is encouraging today's youth to lower themselves to the lowest common denominator.

Victim status is being used to ignore, justify and excuse dangerous behavior.

As a result of celebrating and embracing the negative characteristics of Blacks, all other cultural groups are becoming more like America's most dangerous cultural group.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Ends Justifies The Means For Those Who Are Not Grounded In Universal Spiritual Principles

As I have written many times before, the ends justifies the means for those who are not grounded in universal spiritual principles.

Both political parties suffer from spiritual depravity, however, it seems that the Democrats are further down the road than the Republicans.

They are both headed to the same place (socialism, fascism, totalitarianism, tyranny, corruption, atheism, worshiping the earth(environmentalism), etc., however the liberals are going there faster.

In today's popular culture, which rejects many social and spiritual restraints, I see less value given to universal spiritual principles including love, selflessness, honesty, integrity, humility, patience, courage, sacrifice, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, self-discipline, open-mindedness, perseverance, gratitude and faith in God. At the same time I see more value given to popularity, sexuality, wealth, pride, diversity ( as a virtue, in and of itself), fame, power, thrill seeking, rebellion, and self esteem.

IMHO, there can be no other possible outcome than our society and culture becoming more corrupt, greedy, lawless, poor, ignorant, powerless, and ultimately more restrained by our fears and/or our government. This is clearly witnessed by the current increase in crime, prisons, corruption, illiteracy, ignorance, poverty, drug use, intolerance and governmental control in today's America.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Socialised Health-Care Will Undoubtedly Lead to Mediocrity, Shortages and Rationing

I do not believe that Obama is trying to fix the health-care system. I think that Obama's goal is to increase the power, size and scope of the federal government. I believe that Obama wants to make more people dependent on the government. Socializing health care is a means to this end.

Everything that he has done since he has been in office backs up my assertion that Omama's main interest is government control, not health-care. Examples are the bailouts of GM and Chrysler, the stimulus plan, cash for clunkers, cap and trade, the appointment of 36 Czars and more.

If 47 million new people get free health care from Obama's plan, who will treat them? We will still have the same number of doctors, hospitals, nurses, clinics and medical laboratories.

Obama says that taxes won't go up, so the doctors, hospitals, nurses and clinics will have to spend less time with each patient. Health-care providers will be forced to treat more patients for the same pay. The quality of care is sure to suffer and the doctors will become overworked. Some doctors will quit and fewer people will be atracted to a medical career.There will be no other option besides rationing. If you ration needed care to elderly patients, some will call the bureaucrats that make these tough decisions "death panels".

I believe that rugged individualism is what made this country great. I believe that a "pay-as-you go" system will lead to the best doctors, who make the most money and the most profitable drug companies will produce the best medications. Without successful doctors and drug companies, we can not continue to provide the best health-care and most innovative medications on the planet. Sucess in these fields will attract many more people into these fields, thus making healthcare more available to everyone.

Health insurance should only be used for unexpected and expensive treatment. Everyday medical issues should be paid for by the patient directly. Those who can't afford to pay, or those who have chosen to spend their money on other things instead, will be taken care of by generous relatives, church groups, charities, free clinics and charity hospitals. America is the most charitable nation on earth. However, if Obama gets his way, socialized health-care will squeeze private charities, free clinics and family help out of the marketplace.

This is what Obama wants. He has stated many times he wants a single payer government health-care system. This will give the government control over one-sixth of the economy and bureaucrats, not families and doctors, will be making medical choices for us.

Socialised health-care will undoubtedly lead to mediocrity, shortages and rationing, just like Cuba, England and Canada experience. The president is trying so hard to push through a complicated and convoluted plan that will undoubtedly cost taxpayers more money and limit the quality and availability of health-care to the majority of people who are satisfied with their current plan.

Friday, August 28, 2009

I Relate To Glenn Beck Because He Is Also A Recovering Alcoholic/Addict

I can relate to Glenn Beck because he is also a recovering alcoholic/addict. He also found his recovery in the fellowship of AA/NA. He also lost everything and hit his bottom. He also came to the realization that only a higher-power could restore him to sanity.

I believe that beck puts his faith in God above all else due to his alcoholism and his second lease on life that he found in his recovery.

I believe that Beck has the courage and is willing to make sacrifices that few other journalists are capable of.

I believe that Beck is motivated by spiritual principles and not by power, property,and prestige.

I believe Beck is the only one who is truly motivated by seeking the truth and making it public. I believe that Beck is acting selflessly in an effort to restore our nation back to the principles that it was founded on.

I believe that Beck will be fearless in his relentless pursuit of the truth regardless of the personal consequences. He is willing to lose his power, fortune and fame in the process.

Once you have lost everything due to alcoholism, including your pride, your family, your money and your health, material things become unimportant. At least that is what happened to me. I think it is the same for Beck.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Communism Sounds Great In Theory

Yesterday I was having a discussion with a 22 year old woman who was explaining the virtues of communism. After her explanation, I had to agree with her that communism is a wonderful idea in theory.

However, I pointed out that communism has always resulted in economic poverty, strict control from a central government, terror, loss of freedom and the deaths of millions. However, theoretically, it is a great idea for all of the people to share in everything equally.

The reason why communism has never worked as planned is because it goes against human nature.Human nature dictates that people are most productive when they keep the fruits of their labor, rather than everyone sharing equally.

Communism removes the human motivation to strive to be the best. Communism breeds mediocrity.

Many ideas sound great in theory but are impractical in reality. High taxes on the rich is one of those ideas. It is counterproductive and will lead to "trickle down poverty".

I base my views on my personal experience, reason and common sense.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Why is is acceptable to gratuitously call conservatives racists?

Watch this latest video of Janean Gerofalo if you have a strong stomach. Garofalo: Tea Party Protesters 'Functionally Retarded Adults'; Says 'I Want My Country Back' Code for 'I Want My White Guy Back'

I believe that the people who rioted after Rodney King's trial were racists. Why didn't I hear them being called racist?

I believe that people who wanted O.J. Simpson acquitted even though they thought he was guilty were racists. Why didn't I hear them being called racist?

I think that 92 percent of black voters who voted for Obama because he is black are racists. Why don't I hear them being called racist.

I believe that President Obama is racist for linking the Gates-Crowley affair to racial profiling was racist. Why is the only man who speaks this truth, Glenn Beck, being boycotted for speaking his mind?

There is no such thing as reverse racism. Racism is making judgments based solely because of one's race.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Illegal aliens say: "We Are Taking Over America" at rally in Texas


La Raza brought illegal aliens to a town-hall meeting in Houston, Texas yesterday. Their stated goal was to take over America.

Will this video be shown on the Mainstream media? Will this group of Hispanics be be portrayed as an angry, racist, un-American mob?

Why are only conservative protesters labeled as angry, racist, un American and mob-like? From what I have seen the conservative protesters, at tea parties and at town hall meetings, have been better behaved than most liberal protesters, past and present. Conservatives are actually challenging the politicians intellectually with specific questions about the health care bill. They are not holding up foreign flags, threatening violence, using racial slurs or threatening to take over America. Occasional bad behavior by conservatives is condemned and widely reported by the mainstream media. When liberals act badly, they are ether ignored or hailed as justifiable acts by desperate sympathetic victims by the mainstream media.

Often, bad behavior that is blamed on conservatives is actually committed by liberals, that are disguising themselves as conservatives, in order to draw negative attention to the conservative cause.

I have written many articles about deranged behavior by the left at garyganu and Conservative Ga-News and Opinion .Many of these articles are documented with video clips. Why does the mainstream media ignore the obvious bad behavior from the left and fabricate or exaggerate bad behavior from the right?

Friday, August 14, 2009

I Fear For Glenn Beck's Life

Glenn Beck has been been researching people in the Obama administration. He Is publicizing the fact that many of Obamas associates and appointees have ties to communism and/or Marxism. Beck has discovered that much of this information has been purged from wikipedia and other websites. Beck fears that negative information about Obama and his appointees is being systematically purged from the Internet. He is calling on his watchdogs to dig in like worms and bring the information to light that the Obama administration is trying to hide from public scrutiny.

I am afraid that Beck will find something that is so important to the Obama administration that they will have him killed. Beck is the only one that is relentlessly digging into the past of Obama and his cohorts and connecting the dots. I fear for Beck's life. He is dealing with corrupt and evil people that have mob connections. I hope that Beck is aware of this threat and has adequate personal security. Most successful conservative talk show hosts require constant personal security due to the overwhelming number of threats. This phenomenon has ramped up in the last few years and they all say that the threat level is unprecedented.

I pray that God will look over Glenn Beck as he seeks the truth. I believe that Glenn Beck is the most genuine, selfless and courageous person in today's media. I believe that Glenn Beck is motivated by the spiritual principles that he learned in Alcoholics Anonymous and the Mormon Church. Beck often speaks about the exact same spiritual principles that I leaned in Narcotic's Anonymous. I believe that Beck is grateful that God has given him a second chance in life after he hit bottom and nearly died as a result of his alcoholism. I believe that money and fame are not beck's motivation. I believe that practicing spiritual principles in all aspects of his life is what motivates Glenn Beck.

Newsmax has learned that the co-founder of the African-American political organization Color of Change, which is calling for Beck's ouster, is civil rights attorney Van Jones. Here is the article that ties the Obama administration to a boycott directed at advertisers of Glenn beck:

Wednesday , Glenn Beck announced what he says will be the largest conservative rally of all time on September 12 in front of the Capitol building. The date September 12th is significant because it is the day after the attack on 9-11-2001. On that day, America woke up to the danger that we faced from terrorists. On this September 12th, Beck hopes that the nation will wake up to the danger we face from our "out of control" government.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Defending The Indefensible

This is a video of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D TX) talking on her cell phone at a town-hall meeting while a constituent asks her a question. This link takes you to a video clip that is only 30 seconds long:

Not to flog a dead horse, but if you have 7 minutes and 13 seconds, click on the following link to watch an interview with Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee. She spends the entire time defending her rude cell phone etiquette.

This video demonstrates why I believe that all incumbents should be voted out of office. She exhibits elitism, self importance, hubris, deceit, obfuscation and a complete disconnect from her constituents.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Gay Activists Use Pepper Spray, Violence, Verbal Abuse & Fling Food to Disrupt a Peaceful Rally Supporting Traditional Marriage

Here is another story that contrasts the deranged behavior of abnormal gay activists, as compared with the legitimate and peaceful demonstrations of regular people who support traditional marriage.

During a peaceful protest by supporters of traditional marriage in Warwick Rhode Island, gay activists used pepper spray to silence their opposition. Gay activists also punched and pushed the opponents of gay marriage as they peaceably assembled and spread their message. All the while, the gay activists used foul, abusive and vulgar taunts, insults and slander against the peaceful demonstrators who support traditional marriage. Despite these violent and criminal acts, the local media focused on the fact that gay activists also threw food at their opponents.

This is another of the many examples of the intolerance and hatred that is a systemic part of the gay activists unhinged, deranged, and abnormal behavior. IMHO, the behavior of gay activists underscores the fact that their behavioral disorder of homosexuality, stems from a mental disorder.

During the 1960's, gay activists used the same techniques of harassment, slander, bullying and intimidation against the psychiatric profession in order to have homosexuality removed from the list of mental disorders. However, removing homosexuality from that list, did not change their abnormal, unhealthy and often deranged behavior. Here is an article that explains how gay activists intimidated the American Psychiatric Association:

Public opinion would quickly change if their abnormal behavior was on display for the whole world to see. However, the mainstream media is complicit in the deceit and manipulation of public opinion. The Providence Journal reported this violent, deranged, hateful and criminal behavior as a mere "food fight" in what seemed to be a comical manner that sympathises with the deranged gay activists.

Here is an article from the Providence journal:

here is the report from the protesters perspective:

here is the report from newsbusters:

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Global Warming Myth Revisited

I believe that a concerted effort is being made to deceive the American public on the issue of man-made global warming. I am not saying that a conspiracy exists between Al Gore, the teachers union, the university professors, the mainstream media, the politicians, the Hollywood elite, and many private corporations. What I am saying is that all of these groups have their own reasons to further the deception of man-made global warming. Most people have a propensity for blaming human activity on the current global climate cycles and like to feel that they are part of the solution, rather than part of the problem. We all like to think of ourselves as the good-guys, and by getting on the man-made global warming bandwagon, we can prove that we are good people because we care about the planet. Some see an opportunity to make money or gain power and popularity. What could be a more worthy and noble cause? To doubt them or debate them on the science is often taken as a personal insult, as if you were calling their character into question.

I can simply prove my point by using Al Gore's words. On the subject of man made global warming Al Gore said: "the science is settled, the debate is over." He also said "global warming is the number one moral issue of our time." The debate is over as far as Al Gore is concerned because he does not wish to participate in debate. When he is asked about specific opposing studies, he attacks the character of the group making the studies and calls the source of their funding into question. Recently Al Gore said people who do not believe that global warming is real and caused by man-made Co2 emissions, are a tiny minority, and can be compared with those who still think the Earth is flat or that the moon landing was staged. In effect he stifles all opposing views. In fact, there is a petition signed by 31,000 scientists, who say that the debate is not over and are trying to make their views heard. Click here to read more about this petition.

Al Gore is just one man. Where the greater deception lies is that the news media, the government, the public schools, the universities and the arts all perpetuate this myth. Many business also take advantage. Such as motels that have placards in the rooms that say “Save the planet”, and then instruct you how to save energy by requesting that your towels and bedding not be changed daily. Polls show that the number one reason why people buy the hybrid Toyota Prius, is not to reduce global warming, it's not to save gas. The number one reason for Prius ownership is to make a statement that shows I care about the planet. Up until recently when fuel prices skyrocketed, the high cost of buying a hybrid automobile did not justify the fuel savings. People bought Priuses as a status symbol to prove that they were willing to spend extra money to help fight global warming. This whole man made global warming myth is the perfect ruse for altruists. What better moral cause that saving the planet with all it's inhabitants. This ruse is sure to bring much self esteem, self worth to millions of unsuspecting altruists.

To me it is clear that the science is not settled. This is a scam, a deception and/or a manipulation, not a moral issue. The global warming myth is being perpetuated like a well run publicity campaign, based on emotion rather than reason. I am constantly seeing images of drowning polar bears on melting arctic ice. The truth is that out of the dozen populations of polar bears worldwide, only two populations are declining in number. The rest are either stable or increasing in size. The worldwide polar bear population stands at 25,000 which is up from a meager population of 5,000 in the early 1970's. The media is also showing images of melting ice in the arctic. What they are failing to mention is that the icepack in the antarctic is at record high levels. The truth is that our climate is a dynamic system that is constantly changing.

Few people remember the "great American dust-bowl" of the 1930s. The highest temperatures on record occurred during the 30s. The massive heatwave and drought lasted a decade and rendered most of the farmland in 5 mid-west states unusable. There were storms of huge black dust clouds, made up of dried up soil, that blew hundreds of miles and turned the sky black in the heat of a cloudless day. This ten year heatwave and drought caused over a million people to migrate to other parts of the country in order to survive and find work. All of this was on the heals of the great depression. This climate disaster exacerbated the economic slowdown as food prices skyrocketed. This all happened during the 1930's, before the bulk of so-called greenhouse gasses entered our atmosphere. This climate catastrophe of the 30's was never attributed to man-made global warming, however, in today's political climate, each and every weather anomaly is blamed on man-made global warming.

I've read dozens of articles on both sides of the global warming debate (a debate that doesn't exist according to Al Gore). Click here to link to a page that directs you to dozens of scientific articles that question the status quo of global warming.

I will now relate a few of my own common sense observations which are irrefutable in my opinion. I may be wrong, but it is certainly worth discussion and study. To say the science is settled is an outright lie. The arguments that I make are mostly based on reason, experience and common sense. For example, plants need co2 in order to survive and produce oxygen and food. Higher co2 levels and higher temperatures would result in more plants and more food and more oxygen. Thus co2 is good for humanity, it is not a pollutant. Another point I make is that the global climate has always been in flux, it has always been changing, long before man inhabited this planet. Ice ages and warm periods have always come and gone throughout geological history. The Earth's climate has never been fixed. Another point that I make is that co2 is merely a trace gas at 380 PPM in the atmosphere. Water vapor is much more abundant in the atmosphere and has a much larger effect as a greenhouse gas. Water vapor also "self regulates" the earths temperature because when the temperature gets hotter, more water evaporates, and this produces more clouds which reflects the sun and cools the Earth. So in effect water vapor is a greenhouse gas unless it is in the form of clouds, then it reflects the sun and has a cooling effect. Another thing that I discovered is that co2 is also dissolved in the oceans just like in soda pop. When the ocean temperature rises, co2 is released from the ocean into the atmosphere. This may explain why the records show that global temperature rise, always precedes the increase in co2 in the atmosphere. Articles that I have recently read reiterate these conclusions that I have come to on my own using reason, logic and common sense. Not to mention the fact that Al Gore keeps insisting that the science is proved and the debate is over and that this is the number one moral issue of our time.

If global warming is such a serious threat that everyone knows is true, why do many Hollywood celebrities and wealthy people live on oceanfront property or near the ocean. According to Al Gore's documentary, sea levels are expected to rise and coastal flooding is imminent. In a time of falling real estate prices nationwide, why is expensive oceanfront property increasing in value?

All I am trying to say in this modest article is that the debate is not over, but it is being suppressed. What if Gore is wrong and we are actually entering a period of global cooling. Man's intervention, in an attempt to stave off global warming, could exacerbate the problem if global cooling was happening. During the 1970's a consensus of scientists published articles that stated global cooling was happening, and we were on the verge of the next ice-age. Global cooling would be much more harmful to life than global warming. Global cooling would reduce plant life which would lead to famines worldwide, not to mention decreased livable land mass.

Environmentalists give us meager humans too much credit. Human activity is insignificant when compared with the awesome powers of mother nature. The Earth's climate changes in natural cycles due to solar activity, magnetic fields, changing planetary orbits, volcanic activity, collisions with objects from space and other causes beyond human control and understanding. The Earth's climate has been in a constant state of flux for billions of years and there is little to indicate that these cycles are influenced by human activity. Scientists have also determined that global warming is currently also occurring on Mars, the moons of Jupiter and Pluto. Surely humans have no influence in these remote places.

All I am asking is: Why are school children and university students being taught that man-made global warming is a fact when this is just a theory? This is only one of the many areas where today's youth are being deceived and manipulated into believing things that are politically correct, but have not been proven to be true.

On a lighter note, click on the video below to hear a parity of John Lennon's song "Imagine(there's no global warming)".